สาขาวิชาโรคติดเชื้อ ภาควิชากุมารเวชศาสตร์ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
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International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence: Adolescents Living Our Best Lives: HIV and Beyond

29-30 Sep & 6-7 Oct 2021 , 00:00 - 00:00 น.
Virtual meeting

Adolescents Living Our Best Lives: HIV and Beyond

This is the theme of this year’s International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence, which will take place on 29-30 September and 6-7 October.

Have you recently heard a young person talk about "living their best lives"? That is what we are wanting to explore during this year’s international workshop. In previous workshops, we have focused on a number of areas that speak to the HIV-specific needs of adolescents living with and affected by HIV. This workshop aims to look at the fuller lives of adolescents, including their mental health, experiences of violence, the social and economic contexts they grapple with, how they use digital technology to navigate the world, and how they take control of their own health and lives. These topics have an impact on the ability of adolescents to lead healthy lives.


Join us to hear from experts, many of whom are young people, to learn about tried and tested initiatives and strategies that support adolescents to be healthy and live their best lives!

Register here: https://virology.eventsair.com/international-workshop-on-hiv-adolescence-2021/registration

Read more here: https://academicmedicaleducation.com/hiv-adolescence-2021